Scholar Ministries’ About A Song is our (mostly) weekly study where we take a particular song and we analyze it. This usually takes the form of discerning its meaning if it’s not obvious or discussing the subject matter if it is obvious. We also have the tendency to simply use the song as a jumping-off point for other discussion and, in so doing, digress substantially. Just as long as we can get something good out of it.
We try to vary the genres of the songs we discuss, from pop to rap to metal, old to new. We also may throw in a non-Christian song in as well. Just because it’s a secular artist doesn’t mean you can’t learn from it.
Our only hope is that someone else out there can get as much out of this study as we do. Enjoy!
Tonight’s song is If You Really by The Katinas
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Disclaimer: We are not professionals. We had been doing this study for a while and thought some others might like it as well. At the same time, we wanted to keep the experience as genuine as possible. Therefore, we are just setting up a camera and doing our thing. Because of this, our audio won’t be the greatest, and there may be course language and uncomfortable subjects.