The greatest weapon you have in war…is peace.
Have you ever found yourself struggling with Christmas or Hanukkah lights? They are tangled and complicated and rely on power…and, beautiful though they are, these points of light require struggle. We hope all the bulbs work, come up with a plan to hang them, and we gather our sources of electricity to light ’em up. The chaos eventually turns into something beautiful…worthy of ooohhhs and aaahhhhs.
We are willing to hang upsidedown, tangled in lights in hopes that the end product will be breathtaking!
I have found that I am required by my Maker to hang upsidedown, tangled in the messes around me in hopes that the end product will be breathtaking. The trick is to be at peace in the middle of any mess…any battle I find myself in. Feeling past the current war and finding peace…Shalom…
(Hebrew: שָׁלוֹם)
Hebrew word meaning peace, harmony, wholeness, completeness, prosperity, welfare and tranquility…source: Wikipedia
I often find myself reaching around fear and apprehension to grab peace, wholeness…prosperity of spirit…tranquility, and dragging myself toward it. There are weak days and strong days…blind days and sighted days…but, in the end, all there is left to decide is that God ALONE has the power to save, to heal, to purify, to provide peace. Partnering with His Peace instead of fear is always a choice, a function of my will rather than a helpless state.
Having the experience of fear, the emotion of fear is not a sin.
Partnering with it is! Embracing it as if it were truth…
Bill Johnson
I choose not to embrace fear as if it were truth! Instead, I choose what I KNOW to be true in spite of the feeling of fear. I choose wholeness in the face of anxiety…logic in the face of chaos…trust in the face of instability. The battle exists though Jesus/Yeshua has already won the final victory. The war goes on though we know the end from the beginning. We fight for the soul of a nation. We fight for the souls of men. We fight for the souls of our family. To ignore the war an ancient enemy wages is to stand idly by while the warriors pray, teach, train, rescue and die to defend the fragile light held in the soul of man. We need to pick up armor that is only NEEDED in case of war and fight with every weapon God has made available to us! The greatest weapon we have in war…is peace.