We tend to see Jesus’s standpoint differently than we should. More often than not, we see Jesus as reaching down from Heaven to pull people out of the muck. I think this isn’t a very good interpretation of what Jesus actually did, or what the Holy Spirit is doing right now.
Jesus didn’t die and go to Heaven to take away our sin. He went down into the muck and the dross formally known as Hell. He went there and used His divine power and might to take every last bit of Satan’s authority over us away. This may not conform to our modern image of a gentle, soft Jesus, but it is the truth. We serve a powerful, passionate God. We are incredibly blessed that His passion is for us, not against us. Jesus did go back to Heaven to prepare a place for us, but He sent the Holy Spirit to help us in his place. The Holy Spirit is HERE! He surely isn’t up in Heaven reaching down every once in a while. He is down here in the muck with us, pushing us up out into Jesus’s waiting arms.
In short, our God is down here with us. He is in the muck with us, battling with us and for us. Our God is a personal and intimate God that is all around us, even in us. The view of an impersonal and faraway God shouldn’t have any sway in our minds. HE IS HERE!!!